Wide field image showing the M43, above, and M42 star-forming nebulas.
Composite of
100 (out of 425) 20-second exposures. Image at left reduced 1/2, click
image for full size version.
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/7.5 Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Adjust levels,
Contrast, Gaussian blur in GIMP
Planetary nebula (dying star). Magnitude 8.1. This nebula is very
small, only 23x17
arcsec. For this shot I used about twice the focal length as the
other nebulas on this page, and further enlarged the image by 2X.
Composite of
84 (out of 500) 10-second exposures. Full color. North is to the right.
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/14 Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Adjust levels,
Contrast in GIMP
Supernova remnant from a star that exploded in 1054 A.D. I have manged
to see this dim nebula in the eyepiece only once. Composite of 80 (out
of 366) 40-second
exposures. Click image for wider field.
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/7.5 Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Adjust levels,
Contrast, Gaussian Blur, Unsharp Mask in GIMP
This is part of a vast nebula system and star-forming region in the
direction of Orion. The gas cloud is lit by the young giant stars in
the center. Natural color. Composite of 12-second exposures.
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/7 Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Adjust levels,