There is a
new white swirl west of the GRS. The oval called BA, centered
in the southern temperate bands, is getting closer to the GRS. Compare
to Mar. 12 and Jan. 29 pictures. Mediocre seeing. Fair transparency.
Apparent brightness: -2.4
Apparent size: 42.6 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Color adjustment and slight unsharp mask in GIMP
April 8, 2004 12:17am PDT

with Io, Ganymede and Callisto Shadows
This is the triple shadow event of
28. There appear to be four shadows, but one of them is Ganymede itself
which is darker than Jupiter's clouds. The dark spots are left to
Ganymede shadow, Io shadow, Ganymede, Callisto shadow. Very poor
seeing! Good transparency.
Apparent brightness: -2.45
Apparent size: 43.6 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Color adjustment and slight unsharp mask in GIMP
March 28, 2004 12:08am PST

with Io and Europa Shadows
Double shadow transit event of March
12. Left shadow is Io, other is Europa. Europa is visible to the right
of its shadow. GRS is also visible. Lots of cloud detail all over the
disc. Very good seeing, good transparency.
Apparent brightness: -2.5
Apparent size: 44.4 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Color adjustment and slight unsharp mask in GIMP
March 12, 2004 1:54am PST

The "back" side of Jupiter, opposite
the GRS. Lots of cloud features in the southern regions. Various bands
almost to the south pole. Ok seeing, good transparency.
Apparent brightness: -2.5
Apparent size: 44.4 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Color adjustment and slight unsharp mask in GIMP
February 28, 2004 12:47am PST

Dark splotches in the north
equatorial belt east of the GRS, and south equatorial belt around the
GRS. Darkening of northern edge of SEB above the GRS.
Compare to Feb. 5 pictures below. Ok seeing, good transparency.
Apparent brightness: -2.5
Apparent size: 43.8 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Color adjustment and slight unsharp mask in GIMP
February 12, 2004 2:20am PST

& Jupiter
Satellite and satellite shadow.
Wisps in the equatorial zone, and south temperate zone at the far left.
Dark garland embedded in the southern equatorial band. Ok seeing,
mostly very good transparency but with occasional thin clouds. Click
for wider image showing Io also.
Apparent brightness: -2.5
Apparent size: 43.6 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Color adjustment and slight unsharp mask in GIMP
February 9, 2004 1:02am PST

Great Red Spot centered. White spot
sitting on top of the GRS. The chain of white clouds trailing westward
from the GRS is clearly visible. Cloud patterns in the equatorial zone.
Light colored ovals in the south temperate region below the GRS. Very
good seeing, good transparency.
Apparent brightness: -2.4
Apparent size: 43.3 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Color adjustment and slight unsharp mask in GIMP
February 5, 2004 1:05am PST

A good look at the South Tropical
Disturbance trailing westward from the GRS. Large oval in the southern
temperate belt. Very good seeing, good transparency.
Apparent brightness: -2.4
Apparent size: 43.3 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Color adjustment and slight unsharp mask in GIMP
February 5, 2004 2:09am PST

The GRS has just rotated out of view
at the right. Many turbulent cloud patterns are apparent in the
equatorial zone and equatorial belts. Very thin cloud band
running through the northern tropical zone. Large oval "BA" centered
in the southern temperate belt. Very good seeing, good transparency.
Apparent brightness: -2.4
Apparent size: 42.7 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Color adjustment and slight unsharp mask in GIMP
January 29, 2004 2:29am PST

& Io
Many cloud patterns are visible in
this very detailed image, including a large, grey structure in the
equatorial zone. Taken in perfectly steady seeing
conditions with very good transparency.
Apparent brightness: -2.2
Apparent size: 39.2 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Slight color adjustments and unsharp mask in GIMP
December 27, 2003 2:33am PST

with GRS
This picture taken 2.5 rotations of
Jupiter later than the previous, so it shows the opposite side of the
planet. Seeing was not as clear or steady as
for the previous picture, but cloud details in the equatorial zone and
elsewhere are discernable. The Great Red Spot is distinctly darker to
the lower left.
Apparent brightness: -2.2
Apparent size: 39.2 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor + IR block filter
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Slight color adjustments and unsharp mask in GIMP
December 28, 2003 3:36am PST

with Ganymede Shadow
Poor seeing. Eclipse shadow of
Ganymede is
falling on the NEB. There is also a large white oval in the equatorial
zone, right in the middle of the disc.
Apparent brightness: -2.0
Apparent size: 33 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Adjust color
November 27, 2003 6:02am PST

First new image of Jupiter since
March. It's still rather far away and small, visible in the east before
dawn. It will be getting closer over the next six months until the next
opposition in March 2004. This picture was taken just as the sky was
beginning to brighten in the east. Low to the horizont, poor seeing.
The Great Red Spot is at the center. Two wide, dark 'festoons' are
visible in the equatorial zone.
Apparent brightness: -1.8
Apparent size: 32 arcsec
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC at f/35
Camera: MI-1300 CMOS sensor
Image Processing: Composite in Registax, Enhance detail,
Adjust color
October 12, 2003 6:13am PDT
& Io
Some thin grey streaks can be seen in the white cloud band across the
equator. The GRS is at the far left. Composite of six exposures,
stacked in GIMP.
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC
Camera: Ricoh RDC-5000 and 8mm eyepiece
Image Processing: Composite/6, Color balance, Contrast
enhance, Despeckle, Unsharp mask
March 1, 2003
with Callisto Shadow and Great Red Spot
Callisto's shadow takes about six hours to transit. The GRS takes about
10 hours to go all the way around. Composite of eight images.
Telescope: Meade ETX-105 EC
Camera: Ricoh RDC-5000 and 8mm eyepiece
Image Processing: Composite/8,
Color balance, Contrast enhance, Despeckle, Unsharp mask
February 20, 2003 (just after midnight)